Tuesday, January 28, 2014

WELCOME EVERYONE to the blog of AIPW promoter, Ace Alexander!

What is AIPW?
  • AIPW is the Artificial Intelligence Professional Wrestling organization located in the Mon County area of West Virginia!
Who am I?
  • I, Ace Alexander, grew up in Mon County in the city of Morgantown.
  • All my life, I was a fan of professional wrestling.  I watched all the greats throughout history and became a student of the business, learning about pro wrestling inside and outside of the ropes.
  • I wrestled locally for a short period of time, but never felt like I was where I was meant to be in the realm of professional wrestling.  I wanted to be in control and decide how the drama would unfold, not be a pawn in someone else's game.  I needed something more. 
  • My passion grew for the creative aspect and for the stories that are told.  I began to write my own stories and imagine how they would play out, but I wanted to be different from any other professional wrestling promoter in history.  I wanted to change the world and introduce something that has never been seen before.  I had the opportunity to change everything when I met Max Smith.
Who is Max Smith?
  • Max studied robotics for years and also shares my passion for professional wrestling.
  • Through countless hours of discussion and conversation about starting our own professional wrestling promotion, Max and I came to the conclusion that we could change the world of professional wrestling forever.  No more concussions.  No more injuries.  No more humans.  We were going to create robotic professional wrestlers to compete in our one-of-a-kind professional wrestling organization.
The Grapple-Bots
  • We began designing and creating our robots, which we gave the name of Grapple-Bots.
  • The Grapple-Bots have artificial intelligence that allows them to have professional wrestling matches in a way similar to actual humans, with the same excitement and unpredictability.
What's to come?
  • Stay tuned for updates about the Grapple-Bots, as I soon reveal further details.
  • Keep an eye on my blog, because I will begin to unveil details about a potential event in the not-too-distant future.
I am Ace Alexander and this is not the end my friend!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog post is definitely informative and I look forward to learning more about your character. However, the post is rather lengthy and I feel like you should write it more as a story than bulleted lists, just because it flows better when narratives are written like stories. I do like how you took time to explain each character and what they're doing; it makes it easier to know what may be coming. My suggestion is to leave your readers a little bit more "in the dark" with your next post. A little bit of mystery always makes readers' imaginations work and want to read more!
